Il pesce mi fa impazzire! Appena posso mi preparo del buon pesce, condito e cotto in modo semplice così da esaltare il sapore naturale. Come mi dicevano sempre i miei amici pescatori della Sardegna, se il pesce è fresco non ha bisogno di condimenti elaborati, basta lui! Per questo motivo ho pensato di farmi un'orata condita alla mediterranea, con acqua, olio extravergine di oliva e vino bianco. Intorno del prezzemolo e dei pomodorini ciliegia, e il gioco è fatto!
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Ingredienti per due persone:
- un'orata da 600/700 grammi, già pulita ed eviscerata;
- olio evo (extravergine di oliva), tanto da coprire il fondo del tegame (circa due dita);
- un mezzo bicchiere di acqua;
- mezzo bicchiere di vino bianco;
- 200 grammi di pomodorini ciliegia;
- prezzemolo;
- tre spicchi di aglio;
- sale.
Di solito quando compro il pesce me lo faccio pulire ed eviscerare (chiedete al pescivendolo la cortesia di fare lo stesso). Per cui non resta che dare al pesce solo una bella sciacquata, sia dentro che fuori. Asciugatelo nella carta da cucina. Ora conditelo internamente: mettere un pizzico di sale, uno spicchio di aglio (io uso quello biologico perché ha un aroma più delicato), una spruzzata di prezzemolo.
Nel tegame versate due dita di olio, l'acqua e il vino, un po' di sale fino e del prezzemolo. Infine i due spicchi di aglio rimanenti, tagliati a fettine. Ponete infine il pesce. Una metà deve restare fuori dal tegame, tanto poi a metà cottura lo gireremo.
Posizionate i pomodorini ciliegia, tagliati e metà. Cuocete a fiamma moderata per 20 minuti; poi girate l'orate e cuocete per altri 20 minuti.
Ogni tanto versate della salsa sulla parte di sopra con l'aiuto di un cucchiaio.
Il pesce è pronto quando la polpa appare soda e la salsa è rassodata. Ora togliete l'orata dal tegame. Pulitelo: togliete testa e coda
poi la pelle e le alette esterne
apritelo in due e togliete la lisca centrale ed eventuali spine grandi
dividetelo in filetti
disponete sui piatti di portata e condite con la salsa e i pomodorini
ed ecco il mare nel piatto!!!
Fish drives me crazy! As soon as I can, I prepare a dish with good fish, seasoned and cooked in a simple way in order to enhance the natural flavor. The fishermen from Sardinia always say if the fish is fresh does not need elaborate toppings, just him! For this reason, I decided to get me a bream cooked in the Mediterranean style: water, extra virgin olive oil and white wine. Around I put the parsley and cherry tomatoes, and it's done!
Ingredients for two people:
bream of 600/700 grams, already cleaned and eviscerated;
extra virgin olive oil, so as to cover the bottom of the pan (about two fingers);
half a glass of water;
half a glass of white wine;
200 grams of cherry tomatoes;
three cloves of garlic;
Usually when I buy the fish I ask the fisher seller to clean for me. So you just have to rinse the fish before cooking. Dry it with a kitchen paper. Now season it internally: put a pinch of salt, a clove of garlic (I use the organic one because it has got a more delicate aroma), a sprinkle of parsley.
In a pan, pour two fingers of oil, the water and the wine, a bit of salt and the parsley. Finally, the two remaining garlic cloves, sliced. Now the fish. One half of the bream should stay out of the pan, so then we will turn it halfway through cooking.
Place the cherry tomatoes, cut-and-half. Cook over in a medium heat for 20 minutes; then turn the bream and cook for another 20 minutes.
Sometimes you can pour the sauce on the top with the help of a spoon.
The fish is ready when the meat appears firm and the sauce is firming. Now remove the bream from the pan. Clean it: remove the head and tail, then the skin and the outer fins, open it in two parts and remove the central bone and any large thorns. Divide into fillets; place on a serving dish and season with the sauce and cherry tomatoes. Here is the sea in the pot !!!
Fish drives me crazy! As soon as I can, I prepare a dish with good fish, seasoned and cooked in a simple way in order to enhance the natural flavor. The fishermen from Sardinia always say if the fish is fresh does not need elaborate toppings, just him! For this reason, I decided to get me a bream cooked in the Mediterranean style: water, extra virgin olive oil and white wine. Around I put the parsley and cherry tomatoes, and it's done!
Ingredients for two people:
bream of 600/700 grams, already cleaned and eviscerated;
extra virgin olive oil, so as to cover the bottom of the pan (about two fingers);
half a glass of water;
half a glass of white wine;
200 grams of cherry tomatoes;
three cloves of garlic;
Usually when I buy the fish I ask the fisher seller to clean for me. So you just have to rinse the fish before cooking. Dry it with a kitchen paper. Now season it internally: put a pinch of salt, a clove of garlic (I use the organic one because it has got a more delicate aroma), a sprinkle of parsley.
In a pan, pour two fingers of oil, the water and the wine, a bit of salt and the parsley. Finally, the two remaining garlic cloves, sliced. Now the fish. One half of the bream should stay out of the pan, so then we will turn it halfway through cooking.
Place the cherry tomatoes, cut-and-half. Cook over in a medium heat for 20 minutes; then turn the bream and cook for another 20 minutes.
Sometimes you can pour the sauce on the top with the help of a spoon.
The fish is ready when the meat appears firm and the sauce is firming. Now remove the bream from the pan. Clean it: remove the head and tail, then the skin and the outer fins, open it in two parts and remove the central bone and any large thorns. Divide into fillets; place on a serving dish and season with the sauce and cherry tomatoes. Here is the sea in the pot !!!
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